- Man, I can't believe I got all of this done so quickly: For one thing, just a day after I
had mentioned in the last update about wanting my book back so I could (eventually) put it up here,
my mother comes home with one of the copies (and as luck would have it, it was the one with grades
marked on the back of the last page: That means it was the FIRST of the three created and
therefore the true original...The master copy, if you want to call it that =D)...
- I updated the Contact Me page with an "important" notice...
- ...Officially changed my name on ICQ (and the Midgar Swamp) to WolfeDen3, if you haven't
already been notified of that =P ...
- ...Downloaded Internet Explorer 5.5...
- ...Found out how to cut down the page size a bit...
- ...Added colored scrollbars to the site (for those of you with IE 5.5 ^_~)...
- ...And last, but not least, will be finishing the 1st of 8 quarters here at ITT
Tech next week =D